I once had players generate new characters and each one
ended up with the Dance skill. They could earn more money as a dance troupe,
busking on the streets of Nuln, than they could by engaging in the kind of
dirt-grubbing adventures that starting WFRP characters often find themselves.
And the GCs they’d collect by dancing in the street would far outstrip anything
they could hope to earn from steady employment.
Musicless Dancing in the Street
At least, that is how I remember it. But is it true?
First, let’s consider player character subsistence. A
character who can afford it must spend 7/- per day on food, though he or she
could stave off starvation by spending as little as 3/-. There are, of
course(!) 8 days in an Imperial week. This means that characters ought to be
spending 56/- a week on food (a minimum of 24/-). A bed in the common room of
an inn would set them back another 24/-, giving us a weekly subsistence of 80/-,
or 4 GCs, per week. Or, if our character foregoes the bed (spending just 16/-
on floor space) and eats very badly, 40/- (2GCs).
What can a player character earn in a ‘steady’ job? 60/- (3GCs) per
week as an artisan, 30/- (1GC 10/-) as an entertainer, 42/- (2GCs 2/-) as a labourer, and just 3/-
per week as a servant, though free board and lodgings in provided in that case.
I know the Old World is grim and perilous, and life for the working classes isn’t
bread and roses, but we must presume that the subsistence costs given above are
for itinerant adventurers. It would, of course, be very expensive living in
even the cheapest hotel and eating out for every meal. An entertainer must be able to survive on 30/- a week,
even if they can’t live well, and an artisan must have an appreciably better
standard of living. We can assume that a character with a ‘permanent’ home and
preparing his or her own food can get by at the wage rates listed. Still, there
isn’t much money to be made is honest labour. And that is if the character can
find work – finding these jobs is subject to an Employment test!*
But what about busking? A busking character makes a test
against Fellowship every hour. Success = D4+1 GCs (average 3.5 GCs), failure =
D6 shillings (average 3.5/-), and a failure by more than 30% = trouble. Let’s
say that a character busks for 5 hours every day, for a total of 40 hours
busking a week. Let’s also say that the busking character has a Fel of 30%, the
average for a starting character. Having a skill such as Dance allows the
character a +10% bonus to Busk tests. So, over 40 hours busking a character
will have 16 successful hours, 12 unsuccessful hours, and 12 hours being
hassled by rowdy locals, moved on by watchmen, etc. If the character can stand
the 12 hours of ‘trouble’, he or she will collect an average of 56GC (over the
good hours) and 42/- (the bad hours). Or 58GCs 2/-!
Oh, the trouble? These are player characters we are talking
about. If they have survived even the introductory adventure they will have
killed a handful of cultists and a demonic monster! Rowdy locals? Watchmen?
Worth the hassle for nearly 60GCs a week.
So I wasn’t misremembering. And that is why players in my
games spent a lot of the time busking, and very little adventuring.